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Animal memorials are available from a number of sources, from individual artists and craftspeople to pet supply stores and general merchandise retailers.  You may have seen one of these memorials at one time or another and thought, “what a nice idea.”  When a loved one passes away, it’s natural to want to honor their life with a memorial.  Creating an animal memorial can be a special and meaningful way to express gratitude to an animal friend who brought joy to your life.

Memorials can be very simple.  They don’t need to be expensive, fancy, or large.  Starting indoors is a great way to begin because it’s so easy.  Consider taking an existing, warm, cheerful spot in your home, such as a windowsill where a favorite plant lives, and converting it to a memorial by simply adding a personal remembrance of your animal friend.  For example, for a dog or cat you might add a name tag, a collar or a favorite toy.  If you decide to create an outdoor memorial, choosing a spot that brought particular pleasure to your animal friend, such as a favorite play or rest area, can be a great choice.  Outdoor sites that convey a sense of peace or beauty, such as flower gardens, can also be excellent locations.

If you decide to enhance the memorial site, either initially or at a later time, you have a variety of options available.  You can create something yourself, have a personalized memorial created for you by a specialist, or choose from a number of nice made-to-order and ready-made memorials, some of which allow for customization.  If your memorial will remain indoors, a variety of mediums can work really well, such as an artistic canvas or sculpture, a special photograph or collage, or a plaque made from wood, glass, ceramic or metal, to name just a few.  The options are almost endless, limited only by imagination and personal preference.  If the memorial is outdoors you’ll obviously want to consider weather exposure in choosing a medium, but otherwise, as with indoor memorials, you have a number of creative options to choose from and you’re really only limited by your imagination.  Natural stone is a particularly versatile choice because of its timeless appeal and its ability to adapt well to wide range of settings, both indoor and outdoor.